Tuesday, March 18, 2008

More Shabby Than Chic

Well, my husband, E, always says that when you first start a new job, go ahead and make it your own. Start moving stuff around and throwing things away and cleaning things before settling in. So I have spent the last few days doing just that. Here is a picture of my new workspace. It still needs some tweaking but, for now, it will do. Did I mention that it smells like urine??

I know is all seems a little bare bones but I seem to be having a major creative block until this pile is GONE!!! This is the give away pile. All of this crap littered my work space when I moved in. That entire pile of STUFF is going to be sold at a university surplus auction. 9 broken monitors that are at least 8 years old!!! Can we all say PACK RATS together now!!! I would like to say a public thank you to the tech that came before me for all of the work he left for me. (this pile doesn't include the ENTIRE dumpster that I just filled up with trash)


Anonymous said...

So...at least you have two computer monitors. What more could you want?!

Cherrye said...

That reminds me of the Will and Grace when she moved and her whole apartment smelled like kitty pee.

You need to get some good Glade plugins, girl!