Monday, March 17, 2008

Military Mondays

Why not right??? There are so many things that affect military wives that don't affect normal wives. And since I am a military wife...I think you get the picture. But several of my military spouse friends are going to guest blog for the next few weeks. It's mostly just a fun way for us all to keep in touch since we are all moving off so that we can still be able to commiserate with everyone else...

What do I think about being a military spouse??? Lots of people always ask me what it's like...I never know how to answer that question. I am just like everyone else just with more restrictions and more opportunities.

I don't get the opportunity to plant roots and network around using my contacts that I have obtained in town all of my life since we move every few years. I have never had a job that has lasted longer than 2 years. I stay in a constant state of conflict with myself on all of the next steps in life: education, kids, jobs, finances...because you never know when you will get a call that changes your plans.

But....on the flipside-I have never felt closer to so many complete strangers, I have never felt alone, and I have never felt like I was out of options. The military offers so many oportunities to the military spouses, because, well, we get are just affected just as much by the moves and deployments and changes that are involved with each different situation.

I have accepted my role in my marriage as the stable, constant, predictable one because I am a military wife. I actually think being a military spouse has helped me to grow personally in a very small amount of time. Being thrown into a town, 20 hours away from the nearest family member, with no friends, and a crappy job...then your husband kisses you and says "I so glad you are here with me...see you in a few months!!"... That will pull you out of your shell immediately!!! So I offered to be the ombudsman, I started going to the gym, I started volunteering, I started attending church, and the hardest thing of all, I started letting my guard down and making friends with people I would have normally ever spoken to...because they are just as lonely as I once was. And you know what...I don't regret any second of it because that is where you find some of your closest lifelong friends.

This is our group of wives going stag to the CG Ball since the boys were underway.

So living out of boxes, moving every 2-3 years, always changing jobs, constantly looking for new friends...I am up for it. Life is an adventure and I plan on enjoy as much of it as the Good Lord lets me.

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