Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What's Cooking Wednesday! - Cappuccino Muffins

I found this recipe at all one day and it looked interesting. I like muffins, I like cappuccino, why not Cappuccino Muffins. How foreign would that be??

For those of you who don't know how I tick, I spend most of the weekend cooking and cleaning so I don't have to throughout the weekend. Since I refuse to get up early every week day to cook breakfast, every Saturday morning, I cook a special breakfast. Typically we get up slow, walk Maggie, and then we eat breakfast and drink coffee in front of the television. Lately our Saturday morning cartoons include Celebrity Rehab and Best Week Ever, both on VH1. I know...Lame...but so funny! Who wouldn't enjoy seeing Bridgette Neilson (Sly Stalonne's ex-wife), China (former female wrestler), Jeff Conway (Kinicky from Grease) and many others try to handle living life sober like the rest of the world for a WHOLE THREE WEEKS. That's a long time (can you hear the sarcasm in my voice). Then...WE GET TO WORK!!!

Back to the recipe, I really went off in left field there. I made the muffins last Saturday morning. It makes about 15 although I only made 12 of them. 12 was a perfect number for just the 2 of us. After breakfast, I started working on my personal project while E did his own thing. When I finished and looked up at a clock, it was already 2:00 in the afternoon. I stuck my head in E's office and said "E, I am sorry. I wasn't paying attention to the clock. I will go and make us some lunch real quick." His response was "Don't worry about it Babe, I already ate." Puzzled, I asked "What did you eat?" He answered "The rest of those muffins." So I went into the kitchen and he wasn't kidding. He finished all but 2 off for lunch (that's about 6 muffins). That's how good these were...I hope you enjoy!

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