Tuesday, February 5, 2008

All the Rest...

Since I informed all of you about a few of the links on the "Links I Love" list on the left, I decided it was high time I finished that list. (and I really don't have anything else to share)

eHow - This website gives me hope some days. If I don't know how to do something, I start here. Anything you want to know, just search for it...Shop for a new matress, go on a diet, play the drums, bake bread, celebrate Mardi Gras, YOU NAME IT!!! I first stumbled on this site when I was looking for patterns for paper snowflakes for my budget Christmas.

Technorati - If I haven't said it enough, let me re-iterate that I do nothing at work but surf the internet. Alot of days I will link over to one blog that links me to another and so on and so forth. The next day I will get to thinking that I really want to try that pie recipe on that blog I saw yesterday, but I can't remember how I got there ...So I can use Technorati to search through blogs.

ZipSkinny - Want to know everything possible about your community? Type in your zip code and wait for the information overload to hit you between the eyes. Information on demographics, schools, occupations, marital status, household incomes, maps and lots more including the ability to compare two zip codes.
Big Huge Labs - I read about this link from How About Orange and absolutely had to try it. You can do so much with a photo on this site that you never thought of. I even used it to make this Warhol version of my little Magpie. Use the drop down menu to start having fun. You can make yourself a badge for work, turn a photo into a jigsaw puzzle, motivational poster, magazine cover, billboard, trading card, desktop wallpaper, ANYTHING!!! SO FUN!

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