Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Shabby Chic

So Friday was my last "Friday off" until next summer (or until the baby comes) so I treated myself to some discount furniture shopping. My mother and grandmother would be proud!!!

I hit this crappy furniture place I have been wanting to visit for months and was finally able to catch them on a day they were open. It was JAM PACKED full of furniture, so much so, that you could only get through one or two of the aisles.

But I did find these 2 pieces that I am looking forward to refinishing and putting in the house.

The first one is a round coffee table. I have had my eye out for one of these for a while. And this one will suffice. It is 100% oak and I plan on sanding it down and staining it a dark walnut color.

This one is a little iron ottoman that I found in the corner. The iron work needs a fresh coat of paint and I will definately be exchanging the ratly old upholstery for something a little more fresh and modern.
**Please pardon the crappy pictures from my garage.


Erika said...

by any chance, was is the tattered suitcase you visited? if it wasn't you need to go there...i love that place!

Amanda said...

I think you have your mom's eye for things to re-do (like you mentioned in the previous post). That is great how you can look at a piece of furniture and know that you can make it over and make it 100% better.