Monday, September 22, 2008

Everyday Bailey Saturday Morning!

Normally, we have a Saturday morning ritual. (And by "we", I mean "me") E sleeps in. But me? my pregnant alarm is set quite early. I get up, make some coffee (2 pots these days, one decaf and one fully leaded) and then start on a special breakfast. Last Saturday was no exception ...except...Maggie wanted to join in this time. She slept in with E for starters. I got up and made the coffee. I was making a Blueberry Coffee Cake this particular morning. Yum!

Next, we spend the next hour or 2 sitting in front of the tv eating breakfast watching the news or anything we both like that is saved on our DVR. During the morning coffee, we typically don't pay attention to a whole lot else except getting our coffee fix.

Well, Maggie sat on the couch for a while with us and then jumped down very quietly. She snuck into the kitchen and started eating her own piece of coffee cake. E heard a noise, ran into the kitchen and caught her in the act. She was quickly devouring the rest of our breakfast. That Little Sneak!!!
Here she is playing dead which she does really well when she doesn't want to obey!

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