Monday, November 12, 2007

New to the block...

Welcome friends and family...
As I embark on my blogging journey, I hope you enjoy all there is to offer.

The blog is mostly about getting my head back into the skill set that I worked towards as a young naive college girl. My goal in college was to work for a big corporation managing their website but somewhere between wanting hurry up and get out of school, getting married, 2 major moves in the past 3 years, 3 major job changes in the past 3 years, buying a house and getting a dog...I lost sight of that. I am hoping to rekindle that passion having been completely removed from design and web development for the past few years.

It's also an outlet completely different from myspace and facebook. Yes, I can use those sites to talk to my friends and see their pictures, but I am incredibly distracted by the advertisements, music, backgrounds, videos, you name it. This is an outlet I can feel like the adult I "sometimes" am without developing epilepsy from all of the flash movies.

I am also working slowly towards posting our Bailey family website. Check it soon...
It is a work in progress and something for me to fiddle with while I am reactivating my mind and starting a current portfolio.

I hope you all enjoy...

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